Struggle and Resistance in the Far North by Rob Pyne
Disabled, Former MP, Councillor and author: A Socialist who wants people to survive and have a better life.
Rob Pyne is the author of, "Struggle and Resistance in the Far North".
Struggle and Resistance in the Far North by Rob Pyne
Six Love, Naomi Osaka: Defying Capitalist Decadence in Sport 17/1
Six Love, Naomi Osaka: Defying Capitalist Decadence in Sport 17/1
By Lekgantshi Console Tleane and published in Counterpunch https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/06/14/six-love-naomi-osaka-defying-capitalist-decadence-in-sport/
Lekgantshi Console Tleane works for the University of South Africa. He can be reached at console.tleane@gmail.com
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